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Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies

The World of Music through a Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies Program

Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies

Music can be considered a language that is understood by everybody. Music lovers can choose to take their passion to the next level by finishing a four-year course through a Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies program. The initial two years of the course are focused on the basics of music and performance. The remaining two years are dedicated to the major or specialization chosen by the student.

Specializations to Choose From

  1. Arranging/Composition

This major equips students with the knowledge and skills required in order to be able to compose and arrange music. It is best for those who prefer to write music for performers instead of performing it themselves. Of the four majors, this is considered to be one with the highest risk but also the highest rewards. This is because you need not only to write quality music pieces but also need to find a performer to use them. Just one big hit however will greatly increase your value as a composer and therefore increase your earnings per piece.

  • Education Stream

This major equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to be able to teach Jazz in the future whether it is in elementary or in secondary education. This is considered to be the most stable among all the four majors because there will always be colleges and universities that are in need of additional music teachers. If you want to get employed as soon as possible then this is the best path for you. If you want to remain focused on Jazz music you can choose to teach in the college level as an instructor of whichever area you have majored in the Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies degree program. This means that all four areas can virtually enter the education sector.

  • Instrumental Performance

This is major is made for students who want to make a living off of performing their instrument of choice whether they prefer the violin, piano, etc. They may work as solo artists or part of a musical group. Students in this area get specialized lessons from a mentor who is a master at playing the same instrument. They will participate in two types of classes. General music classes will allow you to study with other students who use different instruments. Special music classes will pit you with classmates who specialize in the same instrument as you.

  • Vocal Performance

This fourth major in a Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies degree program is focused on students who want to make a living in creating Jazz music using their voice. They will undergo special tutelage by mentors who have succeeded in making a living off of singing jazz in the past or in the present. They will be taught different ways to sing and will also be encouraged to develop their own style of singing.

Education Stream Requirements

Students enrolled in a Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies degree program should plan ahead and take on units depending on the specialization or occupation they wish to take in the higher years. Be sure to list down all the required units for whatever path you wish to take.

  1. Secondary Music Teaching

  • One year of a vocal ensemble

  • One year of secondary Private Music Instruction (PMI) in voice

  1. Elementary Teaching

  • Three Credits of Laboratory Science

  • Three Credits of Mathematics

  • Three Credits of History or Geography