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Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science

Obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science, Looking beyond Microscopes

Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science

Who are the Clinical Laboratory Technicians?

What we usually overlook in medical treatments are the efforts of clinical laboratory technician who helped in making an accurate diagnosis possible. They are the co-workers of Physicians and if they made a mistake in analysis of lab samples, most probably the diagnosis of doctors will end up inaccurate. Clinical Laboratory Technicians or Technologists are vital in medical process. Their role is critical for their work may serve as basis for medical diagnosis. They are the people peering through the lens of microscopes, studying, analyzing laboratory samples which also means they are more exposed to infection and other contagious diseases. And the Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science is the first step to pursuing this noble profession.

Nowadays, because of rapidly progressing science, laboratory technicians are no longer confined to the microscope. They work with considerably more advanced technology compared to the methods used during the earlier years. The main duty of laboratory technicians is to examine lab samples such as blood, urine, or tissue through series of lab tests and then reports the findings to the physician. And just like other medical professions, lab technicians may work in rotating shifts even during weekends or holidays depending on what their duty requires.

How to become a Clinical Laboratory Technician?

The usual requirement is to finish a Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science degree. A degree program that comprises courses in chemistry, biological sciences, microbiology, math, and statistics, along with specialized courses dedicated to knowledge and abilities needed within the clinical laboratory. Other programs also offer classes in management, and computer programs.

Another option is to complete at least an associate’s degree program which contains science and clinical laboratory science classes. Often, 1-year certification programs are offered from hospitals for all those who have a degree in a related area, including nursing. Certification on the other hand, is necessary for licensure in certain states and by some organizations and employers. Nevertheless, it is still best to secure a license because employers would rather hire certified technicians, even though certification is not needed to enter the profession in most cases.

Possible career paths of Clinical Laboratory Technicians

  1. Technologists, such as Blood bank technologists, or immunohematology technologists – They collect blood, classify it by kind, and prepare blood and its particular parts for transfusions.

  1. Microbiology technologists – They identify and make thorough analysis on microorganisms found on their specimen.

  1. Clinical chemistry technologists – The ones who prepare specimens and assess the chemical and hormonal contents of body fluids.


  1. Immunology technologists – They examine elements of the human immune-system and its own reaction to international bodies.


  1. Cytotechnologists – They prepare slides of body cells and analyze these cells using a microscope for abnormalities which could indicate the start of any cancerous cells.

  1. Molecular biology technologists perform complex protein and nucleic acid tests on cellular samples.

There are several opportunities for graduates of a Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science degree program. Like medical technologists, clinical laboratory technicians may work in different medical laboratories depending on their chosen specialization. According to the study of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics the work of clinical laboratory technologists is anticipated to increase by 11% between 2010 and 2020, about as quickly as the average for most vocations. This means that there will be more demand for additional lab technicians than that which is now within the workforce. Based on their data there is an anticipated 15% increase of employment for lab technicians starting 2010 to 2020.

With a median yearly wage of $56,130 in May 2010 and above average employment projection, the Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science proves to be a great choice for college education.