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Bachelor of Science in Information Systems

Create a Stronger Internet For Tomorrow With a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems

A workplace, an industrial plant, an agency or an organization is like a web. There is a core or center where everything is being conceive and where power is stored. It could be a computer server or a mainframe that works like a brain or it could be a power-source that gives life to production, or it could be a person or a leader that sets direction to his members. In any way it would be described, the core is the life of everything.

To guarantee that life continues in a perfect cycle, the channels or carriers, and the receivers or end-users should be stable, strong and reliable.

The interaction and communication between lines and destinations within the web are implemented through the systems. So without the proper systems, there will be mis-communication, disintegration and chaos. The message from the core must be clear.

This is how information systems work. So for those who love to study the composition and nature of the systems used to support operations and management decisions in companies and organizations, it is better to take Bachelor of Science in Information Systems.

This degree is so much related with Information Technology. However, while Information technology deals with the management and development of computer-based data, information and knowledge, Information Systems is confined in the development and implementation of efficient systems that enable the information to flow or to be transferred to one person or station to another.

Information Systems cover almost everything inside an office or a workplace such as computer programs, software and hardware, personnel and the procedures. The end goal of an Information System manager is to assure the management or the core command that all information are transferred, accepted, properly analyzed, understood and interpreted therefore making the business flow smoothly and the company operate profitably.

Different Types of Information Systems

There are several types of Information Systems. Most of these are being used in ISO certification accreditation procedure and quality management systems among businesses and industries.

  1. Data Processing System (DPS) – this is used for large amount of data that are being used by companies like payroll, accounts, inventory and the likes.
  2. Management Information System (MIS) – this system gives information and reports for management operations. For example, estimation and statistics software.
  3. Decision Support System (DSS) and Expert System — this system renders information derived from the collection and analysis of data needed for planning, and decision-making like a software program that integrates all reports and data. The software program can process a rational decision based on data that is expected to resolve a problem. This could be a system for the judiciary, medicine and other complex fields that collects volumes of data for analysis.

Duties of Information systems Manager

The Information Systems manager usually determines the organization’s needs in terms of computer hardware and software and draws up recommendation to the management if there is a need for an upgrade.

The manager also protects the safety and quality of the system tools and hardware.

It is also the IS manager’s responsibility to keep abreast of the technology and recommend upgrading of systems if needed, as well as ensuring that the people are well-trained to adapt with the new systems.

The average salary for computer and information systems managers is US$115,780 per year.