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Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering

Things to Know About Obtaining a Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering Degree

Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering

The standard undergraduate program for Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering intends to ready students into practicing the protection in both the public and the private sector. It also involves teaching the students how to comply with the continuing professional education (CPE) requirements of the occupation. Education will primarily be centered on civil engineering and design courses. Colleges and universities are advised to keep their scheduling flexible to make it easier for students to select the specialization they are really interested in the most. Common areas of specialization are:

  • Construction

  • Environmental Engineering

  • General Engineering

  • Structural Engineering

Employment possibilities for graduates of the career program include but are not limited to:

  • Project engineers for construction projects

  • Representatives for owners, contractors, or construction firms

  • Structural designers for buildings and infrastructures

Common employers of students who have completed the undergraduate study are:

  • Consulting firms

  • Contractors

  • Governments

  • Industries

Civil Engineering Accreditation Requirements

Completing a degree program in Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering is not enough to call an individual a certified member of the profession. The graduate still needs to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering Examination. This exam is tackles all the basics of engineering and graduates regardless of what engineering program they completed take only the same sets of exams. Those who pass the said exam then become eligible to take the Professional Civil Engineering Examination. This exam is made specifically for Civil Engineers. Those he bas the board exams will receive a license to practice their profession as certified civil engineers.

Career Opportunities

Civil Engineers are specialized in construction projects that involve the construction of vital infrastructure. They work with other types of engineers to plan and design the blueprints and then take charge in supervising workers to ensure the blueprints are followed appropriately. They are usually tasked with the design and implementation of vital systems such as:

  • Information Systems

  • Power Systems

  • Transportation Systems

  • Ventilation Systems

  • Water Systems

The work of civil engineers often results to the completion of projects that benefit the general public such as:

  • Airports

  • Bridges

  • Channels

  • Dams

  • Extraction Systems

  • Harbors

  • Highways

  • Irrigation Systems

  • Pipelines

  • Power Plants

  • Railroads

  • Sewage Systems

  • Tunnels

  • Waste Disposal Systems

  • Water Systems

Civil engineers can often be found busy visiting project sites and overseeing construction workers providing advice and helping troubleshoot problems and difficulties that may arise regarding following the plans and designs. They are also the ones primary responsible for explaining the project to the community and getting their approval for any changes that they may experience due to the project. The civil engineers when alone often spend their time making construction plans.

Some civil engineers may opt to practice as consultants instead of site engineers. In this practice they spend their time providing technical advice or writing technical papers for their clients. Their clients may include:

  • Governments

  • Educational Institutions

  • Law Firms

  • Sales Businesses

Job Outlook

The importance of civil engineers is continuously growing as sustainability becomes a bigger and bigger global concern. People are becoming more and more aware of the energy depletion and environmental damage issues of the world. The decaying quality of national infrastructures is also a major concern. Civil engineers play a key role in addressing these issues which is why the demand for them is relatively high and their salaries are way above the average. As long as we depend on infrastructures as we go about our everyday lives the need for civil engineers will stay.