Beauty Certificates Beauty Degrees

Esthetics Certificate

How to Obtain an Esthetics Certificate

Esthetics CertificateThere are two types of Esthetics Certificate in the United States. These are basic and master. All states require estheticians to be certified before they can start working. In case you didn’t know, the esthetician is someone from the beauty services industry who specializes in skin care treatments. Some of the services that esthetician provides include laser treatment, microdermabrasion, facials, and waxing.

In order to get an Esthetics Certificate, the person must be able to satisfy three requirements, education, experience and passing the licensing test. These are required to qualify as an esthetician in the US. The number of hours of education required varies from one state to another but the average for the basic certificate is 650 hours and for master is 1,500 hours.


Esthetician programs don’t award diploma after completion. They have course hour requirement that is met by registering for skin care courses at accredited community college or beauty school. For basic esthetics certificate, you need four months of full-time study that includes courses on skin analysis, skin care treatments, and physical structure of the skin. The master esthetician certificate requires eight months of full study that tackles all the basic courses with the addition of chemical peels, laser skin abrasion, laser hair removal, and microderm abrasions.


The beauty school will try to find you a job in the skin care industry. This will allow you to fulfill the second require for esthetics certificate, experience. It allows you to have hands-on experience to apply the knowledge you’ve learn from the classroom. You must be able to fulfill the requirements of the employer so that he or she will give you a good reference. The experience and reference are vital to finding full time employment after getting the esthetics certificate.

Licensing Exam

The licensing exam for basic esthetics certificate is a mixture of practical and theoretical questions. The test is often in multiple-choice format and a test client. The applicant is judged based on one’s interaction with the client as well as the technical skills displayed during the test.

The exam for master esthetics certificate covers a wider range of topics. The theoretical part is a combination of written answers and multiple choice questions. For the practical part, it involves computer simulations and a test client to see the proficiency and skills of the applicant.

Once you got an esthetics certificate, you can work in a skin clinic, spa, specialty skin office, or a beauty salon. Most master estheticians work with plastic surgeons and dermatologists to help patients recover from the operation. As an esthetician, you must have good interpersonal skills to be about to build a good clientele base and also make them refer you to their friends and family. 

Beauty Certificates Beauty Degrees

Laser Training Certificate

Laser Training Certificate

Laser Training CertificateLaser training certificate is available for master estheticians and other medical professionals who want to expand their scope of practice. Some of the things taught in a laser training certificate course include laser hair removal, skin lightening, cellulite reduction, tattoo removal, and skin tightening.

Any person who wants to operate a cosmetic laser must get a laser training certificate. Most states have a required amount of training for laser operators. This varies from one state to another. The course is open to professionals who are allowed by law to perform the services as part of their duties. There are some states that don’t require a certificate; instead they require a minimum number of hours during laser training.

Getting a laser training certificate doesn’t give the person the right to use a laser. You must first do a research on the state’s requirements with regards to licensing and supervision before you enroll in the program. Each state has its own requirements when it comes to laser training. You must check with the regulatory body in the state that oversees the use of cosmetic laser. Almost all of the states require some level of certification in order to supervise or utilize cosmetics laser procedures.

Enollment into Laser Training

When you enroll in a laser training certificate course, you will get enough time on hands-on training. Students are allowed to use their own laser models. If you don’t have one, the school can provide a rental.

Once you get a laser training certificate, you can apply at doctors’ offices, medical spas, and day spas. These businesses are in a constant look for cosmetic laser professionals. The school can also assist you in finding the right job.

The laser training certificate program’s goal is to teach students how to use and repair lasers, assess the patient for laser procedures, perform the procedures with laser, and follow you with clients. Programs can differ from one school to another.


Some of the things that you learn from laser training certificate course include the use of IPL/laser technologies within the confines of a Medical Spa or an Aesthetic Practice. You will learn the difference between IL and laser technologies. There are different types of skin and students will learn to use the Fitzpatrick’s scale. You’ll also learn the side effects and risks of laser. But there are good ones such as skin rejuvenation, hair reduction, vascular lesions, leg veins, acne, and fractional laser skin resurfacing.

Laser training certification is important if you belong to an industry that uses laser each day. Certification is issued base on competency of the applicant and should not be used as a medical certification. There are states that don’t require people to have certificates, but it is recommended by most employers.

Beauty Certificates Beauty Degrees

Cosmetology Certificate

Getting a Cosmetology Certificate

Cosmetology CertificateGetting a cosmetology certificate opens a lot of doors in the beauty industry. The practice of cosmetology includes services in hair styling, waxing, manicures, pedicures and other types of hair and body treatments. It also includes application of oils and creams to the hair, head and scalp. In order to legally get a job involving any of the above mentioned fields, a person needs to get a cosmetology license first. The requirements for a cosmetology license vary from state to state, but in most places, a cosmetology certificate is required.

What is a Cosmetology Certificate?

A cosmetology certificate is a proof that a person is qualified to perform cosmetic treatments in a salon or clinic. Anyone can get a cosmetology certificate simply by attending an approved cosmetology school. A cosmetology certificate means a person has completed the minimum number of hours required to learn the basics of the industry. It includes hands-on training in a student salon or clinic. Once a person earns a cosmetology certificate, he or she can qualify to take the state board exams for a cosmetology license.

What kind of Cosmetology Certificate should I get?

If you are choosing an area of specialization, take into account the requirements of the state where you intend to practice. There is a variety of beauty certificates you can consider as options, but make sure that you choose something that will actually help you in your career advancement. Among the different beauty courses offered in school, consider choosing something that you think you will enjoy doing. Study all your options before deciding on which cosmetology certificate is most appropriate for you.

How long does it take to earn a cosmetology certificate?

The length of the course depends on the specialty a person intends to take. A course on nail technology requires about 300 to 600 hours to complete. Electrology and courses on laser hair removal takes up about 500 hours. On the average, a complete cosmetology course would need about 1500 to 2000 hours to finish. Shorter beauty courses with specialization are often available in schools too.

Pay attention to the length of the course you’re planning to take and the minimum state requirement for an exam. Most states require at least 1000-hour course before allowing a person to take an exam.

What are the advantages of getting a cosmetology certificate?

Getting a cosmetology certificate can help you qualify for many jobs in the beauty industry. It can help you get a stable income and even a bit of extra because of tips. In upscale salons, salaries can go as high as $30,000-50,000 a year. Investing your time, money and effort in getting a cosmetology certificate will indeed pay off in the long run.

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Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience

Working with the Brain and the Human Body Within a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience Program

Bachelor of Science in NeuroscienceMany documentaries were already done in unlocking the power of the mind and revealing how the brain and mind work together. Our memories, either short term or long term, are associated to learning and vice-versa. There are people who suffer from short-term memory defects or amnesia. What happens inside their brain? How can they forget something that has been part of their consciousness like an experience, a name, a place?

Our dreams are also fascinating to study. Although the study of dreams is also associated with Psychology, still our brain’s activities when we are asleep definitely use energy or electricity from our neurons. They say we do not see colors in our dream. Why is that?

And why other people have higher IQ than the average individuals? How do they develop such? What happens inside their brains when they answer IQ tests?

The highest IQ record holder is Abdesselam Jelloul. In 2012, he went through a 13-dimentional IQ test and scored an adult IQ of 198. Before him, the highest IQ ever recorded was by Marilyn vos Savant with a score of 185. Others who made remarkable history were famous chess master Bobby Fischer with 187, Korean child Kim Ung-Yong with an IQ of 210, Albert Einstein with 160 and Leonardo da Vinci with 190.

Taking a “Brainy” Path

The field of Neuroscience could possibly provide answers to these questions.  A Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience is a degree program that covers behavioral and brain sciences. It is the study of the nervous system and its cells. It gives special focus on the study of the central nervous system, the brain – its system, characteristics, and components – both cellular and molecular. A degree in Neuroscience is a preparation for graduate or medical degrees including dental, biomedical research and other health sciences.

A neuroscience major would also study the various functions, malfunctions, interactions of the nervous systems to the other parts of the body. There will also be studies on the cognitive functions of the brain and the human brain development. The goal of a Neuroscientist is to identify and understand the various systems that enable the brain to function as such and how could this help to advance the understanding of mankind – how we think, how we express emotions, how we learn and use language, and more.

Careers for Neuroscientists

There are several job opportunities for neuroscientists. Those who specialize in the molecular level can work on antibodies and genetic probes in medical research centers; the neuroanatomists work on structure of the nervous system; the neurosurgeons work on major surgeries involving the nervous system; and the developmental neuroscientists who work on the brain development – they can either work for educational and medical institutions.

Other careers for starting students are psychologist, clinical neuropsychologist, neuroimmunologist, psychopharmacologist, animal neurologist, biotechnologist, patent agent, neural stem cell researcher, genotyping, neural network researcher, neural engineer and neuroeconomist. The average salary for starting students with undergraduate degrees is US $26,000 per year while the full-pledged Neuroscientists can get a salary of as high as US $90,000 per year.

Other can also work with the government or take full-time jobs in publications. Book-writing and advocacy works are also enticing career paths for degree-holders of Neuroscience.