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Bachelors of Science in Environmental Engineering

Why Study in a Bachelors of Science in Environmental Engineering Degree Program?

Bachelors of Science in Environmental EngineeringThe call for sustainability has never been louder. This was brought about by the growing awareness that traditional practices are hurting the environment and may in the near future cause the planet to become no longer able to support life. Environmentalists blame disregard for the environment as the main reason why numerous parts of the globe are suffering from the wrath of climate change. Today we are experiencing violent storms and hurricanes as well as downpours in a much more frequent and destructive scale. Many blame the said phenomena to global warming. Professions that promote sustainability are becoming more and more in demand today and one of the said professions is that obtained by accomplishing a degree program in Bachelors of Science in Environmental Engineering.

Purpose of the Program

The baccalaureate degree program intends to produce quality graduates that can help save and preserve the environment and our natural resources. This is accomplished by educating students on how they can utilise the latest in science and technology to formulate green solutions. The students will learn how to combine science and technology, engineering principles, and environmental ethics to come up with new products or processes that can deliver near the same benefits without causing harm to the environment or without expending material amounts of resources. One example for such innovations is the structure and design of a skyscraper in which it traps cold air to during the night to keep the inside of the building cool during the day hence lowering the need for air conditioning.  The primary goals of environmental engineering can be summarized into three.

1. Reduction in the consumption of resources
The natural resources contained in our planet are not infinite and are in fact very limited. Oil which is one of the most widely used resources for example, might experience huge shortages after just a decade. It is then up to environmental engineers to develop and implement means of extracting, storing, and consuming the said resources in a more efficient fashion.

2. Recycling and reuse of resources
Some resources can be recycled and some resources can be reused. Recycling means utilising a used item in a completely different manner than the way it was first used. Reusing on the other hand means using the same item in the same way over and over again until it is no longer usable. It is up to environmental engineers to devise new strategies and means of recycling and reusing products to slow down the need for the extraction of resources.

3. Minimization of waste
Waste is an undesirable by-product of the extraction, storage, or consumption of resources. Chemicals can cause great harm to Mother Earth. The chemicals in artificial fertilizers and industrial pesticides for example gradually diminish the nourishment of the soil until it becomes completely unable to support plant life on its own. It is up to environmental engineers to develop new and more efficient ways and strategies for waste management and waste disposal.

A Bachelors of Science in Environmental Engineering degree combines science and technology with engineering which is why it is referred to as a double degree as completing it will automatically mean the individual is qualified in both science and engineering industries.

Common areas of concentration are:

  • Astrophysics
  • Atmospheric Science
  • Chemistry
  • Computational Science
  • Ecology and Conservation Biology
  • Genetics
  • Geographical Science
  • Geosciences
  • Marine and Freshwater Biology
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Plant Sciences
  • Statistics
  • Zoology
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Bachelors of Science in Engineering Science

Bachelors of Science in Engineering Science Overview

Bachelors of Science in Engineering ScienceEngineers are very important in today’s modern society because they have a hand at almost every big or advanced structure and infrastructure. They are problem solvers and are responsible for turning plants, designs, and blueprints into reality. In complex projects they commonly work with architects. The architects formulate the plan and the engineers find ways to make the plan doable. The demand for engineers is always there which is why so many colleges and universities offer the undergraduate program. Some students however do not have the luxury of time or finances to complete a full engineering program which usually takes four to five years to finish. Most engineering graduates also need to pass both Fundamentals in Engineering Exams and Engineering License Exams before they can be considered accredited professionals.

The Alternative Course

A degree program in Bachelors of Science in Engineering Science is the best alternative for students who want to finish tertiary education as soon as possible but have ample opportunities waiting for them in the engineering industry. The program does not provide a complete professional engineering status but it is enough for the graduate to reach the level of an engineering technologists. Technologists are assistants or members of a team that work directly under a professional engineer. The graduates will have almost the same start as engineering graduates. They are however not qualified for promotion to higher positions such as that of a head engineer.

Advantages of the Alternative

The foremost advantage of the program is how quickly it can launch a student to a career in the engineering industry. The baccalaureate program takes only two to three years to complete and the graduate is not required to pass any kind of license before he can maximize his options. The graduate can find employment almost immediately and is likely to have the same salary rate as new board passers of engineering who do not yet have any work experience. You can always decide to advance your degree to a complete engineering degree anytime you want and most of the courses you have completed under the Bachelors of Science in Engineering Science program are likely to be credited. So you can first take the said program so you can work and save money and then upgrade to a full engineering degree.

Specialization Option

The degree program can be taken with a major in general engineering. This way, the students are taught all the basics and essentials of all types of engineers. This is the recommended path for students who are still undecided on what kind of engineer they want to be in the future. It also has the most varied career paths because the graduate will be able to apply to any kind of project. The other option is to choose a specialization immediately after the first year of studying under the program. For example, if you want to be an electrical engineer in the future then choose a major in electrical engineering. Most graduates of the program pursue a professional engineer status after a few years of working as technologists so the second option can be said to be more ideal.

Career Options

You will be employed mostly as a part of an engineering team where you will be supervised by a professional engineer. You will be performing the minor engineering tasks with low margins for error. Engineers of big projects need their own team of competent individuals to make their work easy so finding a job is easy for graduates of the degree program.

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Bachelors of Science in Engineering Physics

The Basics of a Bachelors of Science in Engineering Physics Degree Program

Bachelors of Science in Engineering PhysicsA Bachelors of Science in Engineering Physics is one of the newest courses that many colleges and universities have started offering. The undergraduate program takes four years to complete and the curriculum basically focuses on helping students master how to answer modern engineering questions using physics and how to answer modern physics questions using engineering. This is possible because both fields are actually closely related to each other.

What is the difference between Engineering Physics and other majors in Engineering?

The most notable difference in the curriculum of Bachelors of Science in Engineering Physics and other engineering majors is the fact that the former tackles up to the most advanced Physics courses. Hence, the students are likely to know as much about Physics as those who are taking up a Bachelor of Science in Physics degree. The students would tackle about quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics which are both highly advanced areas of physics. This is so much different from other kinds of engineering majors where students only get to study the basics of physics.

Physics engineers work primarily in laboratories as opposed to the other types of engineers who work in the field such as in the construction site of a project. They can also find employment in the government, the public, and the private sectors of society. The degree program also equips the graduates with the necessary qualifications to be able to pursue advancements in Physics such as master of physics or doctor of physics.

What are some of the practical differences for a student pursuing Engineering Physics rather than Physics?

Engineering Physics students are required to complete at least 105 units as opposed to the only 80 units of Physics majors because the former needs to take up two sets of advanced classes: one in physics and one in engineering. If in the middle of the program a student finds it difficult to handle the huge loads he can shift into a purely Physics major or a purely Engineering major without any hassle or worries. The program is concerned with both the theoretical and experimental aspects of Physics since research would be the primary function of the graduates when they decide to practice what they have learned.

What can I do with a degree in Engineering Physics?

The program can be very gruelling especially since most of the time the bachelor needs to upgrade his competence with a master’s degree before he is able to find suitable employment. The rewards however are well worth it since you will enjoy the potential of earning double or even triple the amounts earned by the other engineers. You are likely to work in a laboratory tinkering about different things related to science and technology with the hope of coming up with new innovations that will greatly help the industry you are working at as well as mankind in general. Common areas where graduates of the program can find employment are:

  • Biophysics
  • Energy
  • Energy Policy
  • Government
  • History of Science
  • Law
  • Management in Technical Fields
  • Materials and Development
  • Medical Physics
  • Medicine
  • Philosophy of Science
  • Quantum Information Science
  • Science Policy
  • Science Writing
  • Semiconductors
  • Systems Engineering
  • Teaching
  • Transportation

The possibilities are endless and you can take almost any career path because of the advanced critical thinking and problem solving skills the program will inculcate into you. You will be armed with both a strong quantitative background and advanced analytical foundations.

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Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering

The Importance of Obtaining a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering Degree for Graduates

Bachelors of Science in Electrical EngineeringElectrical engineers are essential to the modern world we live in today. They are needed in almost every industry most especially in construction and manufacturing. We benefit from the products of electrical engineering on a day to day basis. Society will not be able to function without these professionals. This is the reason why there is constantly high demand for graduates of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering so that there will be new blood to fill up job vacancies left behind by those who have retired or rendered unable to work due to various factors such as injury or death.

Program Introduction

The bachelor undergraduate program generally takes four years to complete. Some colleges and universities however offer it as a five-year course to increase the chances of their graduates of passing the Fundamentals of Engineering Exams and then the Electrical Engineer License Examinations. Some students may also defer taking the exams and opt to further their qualifications by pursuing master or doctorate studies instead. Bachelor’s without accreditation licenses can still practice but only as assistants or subordinates in a team. They cannot work as chief engineers and are deemed by most as unqualified for promotion to higher positions. Those who pass the exams however still need to gain a certain number of years of experience under supervision of a professional engineer before they can be considered qualified to head projects. The years of experience required varies from state to state.

Multifaceted Roles

Graduates of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering can take up different roles depending on the specialization they have chosen and the industry they find employment in. For example, an electrical engineer in a power plant would have completely different duties and responsibilities as well as tasks from an electrical engineer working on a manufacturing company. The common areas for the practice of the particular profession are:

  • Control Systems
  • Electronics
  • Power
  • Signal Processing
  • Telecommunications

Other Roles

An electrical engineer can also work as a researcher, inventor, and designer. In this role he will continuously try and come up with new things that innovate our current way of life. He can work for the government or private institutions or as a freelance agent. If you are working as a researcher for a government institution or a private entity you will receive sponsorship for your research and experiments. However, anything you develop, discover, or invent will bellow to the government institution or private entity that sponsored you. If you perform freelance, you will have to support your own research. Anything you come up with however will be patented after you.

Electrical engineers can also find employment in the construction industry. The primary task and responsibility in construction projects is the formulation and development of electrical circuits that bring power to the end user. Graduates of the program can also get hired in hospitals and other medical institutions. Life support machinery should never be turned off because doing so will probably be fatal to the patient. Such institutions are therefore advised to have their own electrical engineers that will maintain the said equipment and will also repair errors and problems as soon as possible. Without a team ready to perform repairs, the hospital risks having patients die before the repair of the machinery arrives.

Electronic circuits are all around us. Even the cellular phones and other gadgets you are using are run by circuits.