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Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science

Obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science, Looking beyond Microscopes

Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science

Who are the Clinical Laboratory Technicians?

What we usually overlook in medical treatments are the efforts of clinical laboratory technician who helped in making an accurate diagnosis possible. They are the co-workers of Physicians and if they made a mistake in analysis of lab samples, most probably the diagnosis of doctors will end up inaccurate. Clinical Laboratory Technicians or Technologists are vital in medical process. Their role is critical for their work may serve as basis for medical diagnosis. They are the people peering through the lens of microscopes, studying, analyzing laboratory samples which also means they are more exposed to infection and other contagious diseases. And the Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science is the first step to pursuing this noble profession.

Nowadays, because of rapidly progressing science, laboratory technicians are no longer confined to the microscope. They work with considerably more advanced technology compared to the methods used during the earlier years. The main duty of laboratory technicians is to examine lab samples such as blood, urine, or tissue through series of lab tests and then reports the findings to the physician. And just like other medical professions, lab technicians may work in rotating shifts even during weekends or holidays depending on what their duty requires.

How to become a Clinical Laboratory Technician?

The usual requirement is to finish a Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science degree. A degree program that comprises courses in chemistry, biological sciences, microbiology, math, and statistics, along with specialized courses dedicated to knowledge and abilities needed within the clinical laboratory. Other programs also offer classes in management, and computer programs.

Another option is to complete at least an associate’s degree program which contains science and clinical laboratory science classes. Often, 1-year certification programs are offered from hospitals for all those who have a degree in a related area, including nursing. Certification on the other hand, is necessary for licensure in certain states and by some organizations and employers. Nevertheless, it is still best to secure a license because employers would rather hire certified technicians, even though certification is not needed to enter the profession in most cases.

Possible career paths of Clinical Laboratory Technicians

  1. Technologists, such as Blood bank technologists, or immunohematology technologists – They collect blood, classify it by kind, and prepare blood and its particular parts for transfusions.

  1. Microbiology technologists – They identify and make thorough analysis on microorganisms found on their specimen.

  1. Clinical chemistry technologists – The ones who prepare specimens and assess the chemical and hormonal contents of body fluids.


  1. Immunology technologists – They examine elements of the human immune-system and its own reaction to international bodies.


  1. Cytotechnologists – They prepare slides of body cells and analyze these cells using a microscope for abnormalities which could indicate the start of any cancerous cells.

  1. Molecular biology technologists perform complex protein and nucleic acid tests on cellular samples.

There are several opportunities for graduates of a Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science degree program. Like medical technologists, clinical laboratory technicians may work in different medical laboratories depending on their chosen specialization. According to the study of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics the work of clinical laboratory technologists is anticipated to increase by 11% between 2010 and 2020, about as quickly as the average for most vocations. This means that there will be more demand for additional lab technicians than that which is now within the workforce. Based on their data there is an anticipated 15% increase of employment for lab technicians starting 2010 to 2020.

With a median yearly wage of $56,130 in May 2010 and above average employment projection, the Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science proves to be a great choice for college education.

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Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy

Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy Degree Overview

Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy

The need for respiratory therapy is continuously increasing because of the alarming growth of cases involving respiratory problems. Millions of people around the world suffer from respiratory illnesses such as tuberculosis and emphysema and there are always not enough new and experienced respiratory therapists available. If you are inclined to science or medicine and want to have a career in which landing a job is easy then you should consider enrolling under a program for a Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy degree.

Duties and Responsibilities

A respiratory therapist is tasked to assess, treat, and administer proper medical care to patients suffering from respiratory and cardiopulmonary illnesses. People of all ages can suffer from one or more of the numerous known and unknown breathing disorders. You may be dealing with a premature infant on one instant and the elderly on another. Most of the patients will be those suffering from chronic lung diseases. Some patients will have respiratory problems from other sources such as victims of shock, drowning, stroke, and heart attacks.

Only certified respiratory therapists are allowed to head the treatment of patients. They should have decent interpersonal skills as they will not only be required to talk to patients at a personal level, they will also need to work closely with physicians most of the time. Diagnosis is their primary responsibility. They should be able to recognize the slightest signs of all known respiratory illnesses. He should then be able to immediately identify possible treatments to ease the condition of the patient. He is also tasked with supervising respiratory technicians.

Graduates of a Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy degree programs are required to develop a personal relationship with their patients because they need their patients to open up to them so they can get a proper evaluation of the patient. They will then use the information they gathered to formulate a customized plan of applying therapeutic procedures to the patient. Since the conditions surrounding each respiratory patient are often unique, the therapists will often need to come up with one plan for each of them.

Need for Immediate Attention

Most patients nowadays require immediate attention or else their condition might become fatal. This need for immediate attention is the reason for the dire need of a lot of respiratory therapists. New batches of therapists will be able to save thousands of lives. This is why more and more colleges and universities are now offering the course. The increase in supply has resulted to tighter competition which in turn led to an increase in the quality of education.

Chest Physiotherapy

The chest area is the center of the respiratory therapy universe because it is where the problems and solutions to breathing disorders lie. All certified respiratory therapists have to complete a special training course in chest physiotherapy. The purpose of this training is to make the therapist adept at making breathing easier for patients suffering from respiratory problems. Therapists working full time at hospitals whether private or public may also find themselves doing things outside of their own job responsibilities. Common extra tasks include diseases prevention, pulmonary rehabilitation, and assisting individuals who want to quit smoking get over their habit. Respiratory therapists are also often needed for the armed forces to help keep the troops healthy and breathing properly in case of wounds and other circumstances.


The ability to follow instructions and pay close attention to detail is essential to the study of respiratory therapy because you need to be able to absorb everything the instructor is trying to teach you. You should also be able to work well with others and use a computer properly.

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Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology

Exploring Careers with a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology Degree

Bachelor of Science in PharmacologyPharmacists are regarded all over the world as the premiere authorities when it comes to medicine. They know the best medicine to take for any ailment or condition. The demand for the profession is very high especially with the growing number of pharmacies in all major cities throughout the world. As long as there are people who get seek, there will always be pharmacies that will supply them with effective the proper medicines. And as long as there are pharmacies there will always be pharmacists that ensure that customers and patients get the right medication for them and that they know how to properly intake or administer such drugs.

Growing Demand

The huge demand for such professionals is the reason why so many colleges and universities now offer a degree program of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology for students. The resulting increase in the supply of the course has made the competition tighter which led to an increase in the quality of education and a decrease in the cost of education. There are even online degrees that can offer you with unique advantages such as the ability to study at home and choose your own schedule. Online courses are the best option for those who have very limited time and resources to spare.

Prescription Interpreters

Numerous medical professionals and practitioners such as doctors, dentists, optometrists, paediatricians, psychologists, and many more often write prescriptions for their patients. This prescriptions serve as guides for the patients on what medicine they should by and how much and how often they should be consumed. These prescriptions however are often hard to read and understand for the average individual. This is where pharmacists come in. They interpret the prescriptions and explain them to the patients to make sure that they will take the medications properly. Without these experts, patients are very prone to taking medicine improperly which may lead to more harm than good.

Career Paths

A graduate of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology degree program may choose from two career paths or professions.

1. Pharmacist

A pharmacist is also referred two as a drug information specialist. He often knows more about drugs and medicine than the professionals who write the prescriptions such as doctors. This is why in difficult and complicated cases doctors often have the pharmacist formulate the prescription. Even when the pharmacist is not the one writing the prescription it often goes through him for review before it goes to the patient. He checks if the medications advised in the prescription are indeed the best option and will have no complications with the health condition of the patients.

2. Pharmacy Technician

The pharmacy technician is an individual who has finished studying all the core subjects of the course but has yet to complete his bachelor’s degree. He is also known as pharmacy assistant or medicinal sales associate. His primary duty is taking prescriptions and deciphering them. Doctors often have hard to read handwriting because they need to write prescriptions in a very quick manner so that they can minimize the time they spend on each patient. The associate’s job is to interpret the prescription no matter how it is written and presented. He also often manages the storage and handling of medicine that may include labelling them.

Common Courses in the Study

  • Advanced Math Courses
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Communications
  • Ethics
  • History
  • Medications and Drug Courses
  • Pharmacological Calculations
  • Pharmacology Machinery
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Writing
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Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology

Gaining an Online Education with a Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology

Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology

Mankind has made leaps and bounds in terms of science and technology. New discoveries and innovations have made various aspects of our lives easier and more convenient. Medicine has always been one of the chosen fields for technological advancement because of how it directly affects the health and lifespan of human beings.

Radiology is one of the offspring of advancements in the field of medicine and it is all about the development and/or use of imaging equipment to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. The science has already saved millions of lives and continues to do so and no alternative for it can be seen in the near future.

Career as a Radiologist

You can go for a career revolving around radiology by completing a degree in Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology. The program requires the use of high tech equipment which is why not so many colleges and universities offer it. The best and most reliable way to get a degree is to therefore enroll in an online degree program.

Take note however that you will still need some practical radiology units after finishing the online course. This is because the course will not be able to provide you with the required hands on learning so you need to find an educational institution to provide you with experience. Check the catalogs of each online school as thoroughly as possible to make sure you are aware of the practical units you have to obtain afterwards.

Qualification Levels

Flexibility is one of the most notable advantages of online courses. You can choose the time when you will take the course. You also have the option whether to stop studying or whether to continue heightening your qualifications. There are four qualification levels to choose from and the more you decide to advance the longer the time you need to devote to your studies.

  1. Certificate – This qualification takes only a year or less to complete and it only orients you about radiology and briefs you one details of the numerous radiology equipment. Students with this qualification often end up as sales personnel utilizing what they have learned to sell radiology products.

  1. Associate – This level requires two years to finish and upon completion, it will equip the student with the fundamentals of radiology and relevant equipment. Students with this qualification care good enough to qualify as assistants to professional radiologists.

  1. Bachelor – This level needs four years to complete and it is the minimum required qualification before an individual can refer to himself as professional radiologist. Professional radiologists can work in any sector of society.

  1. Master – This level only becomes possible after completing a bachelor’s degree. It normally requires two years to complete. This qualification will make all radiology related career paths open to the individual.

Career Opportunities

Employment as a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology degree program often entails the management of one or more radiologic equipment. Some of the available work is:

  • Diagnostic Medical Sonographer

  • Radiologic Technologist

  • Ultrasound Technician

  • X-Ray Technician

Knowing the equipment you prefer before choosing a field of specialization is the best way to approach the program. This way you can avoid wasting time and energy. Choosing a specialization to just find out later that the respective radiologic equipment used in the specialization is not interesting for you can be such a drag and annoyance.